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Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 8:25 am
by steveflam
Most of the morning the time is spent talking and nothing else. Jarg comes down around lunch hour and they all tease him, then they eat lunch. After lunch Elvira stumbles down and true to herself she orders a few meals. They get supplies in the afternoon and in the evening they stay in. Jarg goes out with a promise to be back early. The evening passes and Jarg returns as promised and he is sporting a chain but syas nothing. Renad suspects it might be a holy symbol and smiles to himself.

They leave the next morning for Tilverton.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 2:47 pm
by VAN
"So Jarg, do you have anything to share with us? You seem a little weak these days..." Says Inovidil teising the drow.

"Leave him alone Ino, poor guy he must be heartbroken now!" Says Kel winking to Inovidil.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 8:14 pm
by steveflam
As they travel , Ino and Kel tease Jarg.

Jarg blushes a deep red(though you would't notice) and looks at the ground. "I don't know what you are tlaking about" he stammers. ..... "I stay out of trouble, honest.... I am doing nothing wrong with her.... I mean in the evening.... I mean in the town....." and as he says this and gestures, the end of his chain pops lose from inside his tunic showing a silver long sword outlined against a silver moon, with silver filaments(Eilistaree's hair)around all, in a nimbus. He quickly puts it back in his tunic.

"Oh alright!!!! I met a girl ok? What's wrong with that? I'm doing nothing wrong" he says sheepishly. "She is a nice person and we mostly talk and stroll in the moonlight together. I have met the rest of her friends too and find them very nice people with good values and principles as well as an interesting look on theology". He sits back and sips his drink slowly. "I am not tired but am sad to be leaving, though I've been told by Delsenora that there are some more of her "friends" around Waterdeep and shall visit them there".

The rest of the trip to TIlverton is spent in quiet contemplation or small talk. They have a skirmish with some orcs and goblins near Tilverton but nothing serious. They arrive in the afternoon there and take a room at the same Inn as last time.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:51 am
by VAN
"It has passed nearly 2 months for the last time we were here, but I still shiver at the thought of the ghost!" Says Inovidil.

"Yes, it was very difficult to find its allergen but when we did it, it wasn't such difficult to force it rest forever." Says Kel.

"Indeed, but I still remember the sensation of it getting a part of my lifeforce. It was terrible. Thanks Pelor we did it great." Says Renad.

A Silver Dragon

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:42 am
by steveflam
The party rests in Tilverton for 2 days then move on out and head for Hluthvar, a long voyage. During the last part of the voyage to Hluthvar, they pass through the Sunset Mountains. One evening it is quite beautiful with no stars in the sky and the party is relaxing by the fire. They retire for the evening, Brethana and Thalar take first watch. "It sure is a magnificent evening, Brethana, just look at the sky" Thalar says as he looks then smiles into Brethana's eyes. He reaches over and holds her hand lightly. She reciprocates and looks up as well, sighing "It sure is." Suddenly it seems a huge cloud passes the moon and it goes dark cept the fire. The darkness persists so they both look up and scramble at what they see, ruining their moment alone. Looking for anywhere to hide, they see nothing and just stand there frozen in fear at the sight of something they never thought they'd see, A DRAGON!!!!!!

"Calm down, I wish you no harm" it says and as it speaks, a calm comes over Thalar and Brethana. " I have been watching you and am pleased at what you have accomplished thus far together. I do not ususally give notice to humanity but you have done well on your travels thus far".

Thalar and Brethana don't say a word as they are still staring at the great beast. "Wake up" it says loudly to the others.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:33 pm
by VAN
"What again! We cannot get sleep once without being attacked. What are this time goblins or... DRAGON!" Says Kel and immediately jumps up with his great sword at hand.

"Take it easy brother, this dragon is silver don't you see. They... use to be good. He is not here to harm us." Says Inovidil as standing up and looks the huge dragon.

"Ino is right Kel, we both have studied dragons and we know that this one is harmless." Says Renadand then turning to the dragon says:

"My name is Renad, I'm a cleric of Pelor. What can we do for you?"

OOC> Inovidil and REand have arcana so they know the dragons.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 7:10 pm
by steveflam
The Great Dragon looks at all of them and it seems it smiles. "You take a dark one in your party? Now that is brave of you. Jarg is it? Or may I call you Jeggred" it winks.

Jarg says nothing as he sits there in awe of the mystical beast as does Elvira.

"I have observed many things in my long life, some good some bad. SOme do not take the time to help others, some do. You now how it goes" it says as it looks at Renad. "In answer to your question , Renad 1 thing. Well 2 actually. I wanted to tell you to keep on the path you are, it does not go unnoticed. Secondly as I do not involve myself in the matters of you folk, it has come to my attention that west of here, after Hluthvar before Scornubel, 2 Giants terrorise caravans. I thought I would give you a heads up and ensure that you take matters into your own hands" it says then stops.

"Yes you can call me Jeggred but everyone else here calls me Jarg, sir. It is an honor to meet one such as you and I am humbled in your presence" Jarg says as he bows then looks at the Dragon and smiles. "I think I speak for all of us when I say that we will look into the matter of the Giants."

Elvira swallows and asks "You're sure you won't be eating us will you? I was told halfling isn't that good for you anyways" she tries.

The dragon puts it's face right in front of Elvira and sniffs, eyes mischievous "Do not believe everything you hear, Elvira, you smell divine. Now Inovidil Elminster is not on this plane right now, so I am sorry you could not meet him at this time. Maybe your paths will cross some other time".

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 2:18 am
by VAN
"Thank you sir. I wanted very much to meet the famous Elminister, it would be a great honor for me. Plus I wanted to have some fancy spells for him, you know how all wizards like magic!" Says Inovidil and smiles to the great dragon.

"I wonder though, do you know something about my adventure in Ravenloft? I mean I know that the mists have chosen to get me there, but do you know why adn whoy we are back? Do you know if the old prophecy about me has already been accompilshed or the Great Mystra has planned more triumphs mixed with tears in my future?" Inovidil makes a small pause in order to take breath and then continues shyly:

"Oh, I have so many questions to do in such a wise and experienced creature like you sir. But I know that you may not have all the answers I want right now and I know that I cannot spare your time. But I will appreciate any answer you can giive me to my questions and may you give me your name so I can find you in future again?" Says Inovidil looking up to the dragon almost begging him to get her answers.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 9:16 am
by steveflam
The Dragon pauses a moment then seems to be thinking, then answers "Well Inovidil as to Ravenloft I know nothing about it except what I have heard. There maybe a passage somewhere here in Faerun, though I seriously doubt it. As for you, I cannot and will not say anything, it is for you to discover for yourself. I know nothing about Ravenloft as I have never been except liek I said what I have heard but that is not for your ears at this time." It strteches its great body then moves back from the party. "I depart now, well met all of you and maybe we shall meet again". With that it flutters its wings and off it goes into the night sky, the party watching it in awe as it becomes a small speck in the sky then disappears from their view.

"Wow a Dragon!!!!! Here! With us! I can't believe it. I am glad it was a good one because I think it really would have eaten me!" Elvira says.

Jarg stops looking at the sky "Well that was ineteresting. Like Elvira I am glad it was a good one too".

"I am just glad to have had the opportunity to talk with one or just listen to it" Thalar says.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 5:51 pm
by VAN
"Good point Thalar, I agree with you. You will not have often the opportunity to talk or even hear a dragon without being scared about your life." Says Renad as keeps looking at the sky.

"Yes, despite I didn't get any answers I'm happy I have spoken to him." Says Inovidil.

"We can say that this was the most exciting encounter we ever had! And I doubt any of us will forget it, but it's over now and since I have the last watch, I want to get any minute possible to sleep!" Says Kel.

"You are unbelievable brother!" Says Inovidil as going back to het bedrool. "Good night guys. Wake me up for my watch."

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 9:18 am
by steveflam
"It's ok guys" Thalar says "Brethana and I will take the watch" he says as he looks at Brethana. Elvira giggles as she heads off to her bedroll whispering to Inovidil "I bet they do more than just watch, Inovidil".

Jarg whispers to the girls" Now now, girls. Leave them be, they enjoy each others company. They're lucky they are together whereas I can't be with Delsenora until next I pass this way. For an elf it is quite different. They are just getting to know each other, give them time" and with that he heads off to his bedroll and goes into elvish meditation, content.

The watch passes by without anymore "disturbances". The aprty awakes to Thalar and Brethana sitting close together, watching the sunrise. They eat breakfast and soon break camp and head towards Scornubel. No more enocunters happen and they arrive in Scornubel on a rainy afternoon. They head for the same Inn and take lodgings.

It is decided to rest a few days before they head out to recuperate from the long trip and enjoy the town again.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:02 pm
by steveflam
The party stays a few days then leave once again for the road to Waterdeep, next destination Triel. They travel a few days and in the morning of the 3rd day as they get ready to leave, a huge boulder flies into the camp nearly taking Elvira's head with it but luckily it misses and skirts off into the distance. "Giants!!!!!!!!!!" Thalar says as everyoine takes cover and ducks looking around. Jarg spies them and points them out to the others. "We'll have to try to approach them as carefully as possible" Jarg says as another boulder flies by them narrowly missing Thalar this time.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:11 pm
by VAN
Inovidil gets cover behind a tree and waves her hands. A big stone passes over her head and gets Kel at the right hand. The fighter cries in pain. Fortunately Renad is near him and touching his arm heals him.

"Wait a moment says soon after I'll make you move faster, that way it will be easier for you to defeat them." Says the evoker and waves her hands again.

OOC> Protection from arrows and haste. (All hasted except Elvira.)

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:31 pm
by steveflam
"Thanks Inovidil" Thalar says. "Ok guys we have to try to surround them the best we can. I know it sounds funny trying to surround a Giant but we can. UP there are 2 paths to atheir cave if I have a good memory. So we split up. I can go with Jarg and Brethana..... Renad with Ino and Kel and Elvira."

They split up and head up the paths. Nearing the cave they can clearly see the Giants. They look different from the last ones. BIgger and red skinned. "Ok Jarg you shoot an arrow or 2 and then we wiat for them to toss boulders and we rush them."

Jarg nods, cocking his bow and getting close enough to fire it. Taking a deep breath he lets it out as he fires, the arrow flying true hitting a Giant in the neck. It yells and turns to face the direction of where it came from. Jarg has time to cock and shoot again the arrow flies lower hitting it in the stomach. The Giant sees only Jarg even though Thalar and Brethana rush in. It tosses a boulder at Jarg and the boulder narrowy misses a dead hit, knicking him in the shoulder. JArg flies back and lands in pain on the path, ankle twisted.

Thalar and Brethana reach the Giant at the same time. Splitting up , Thalar swings once the blade true, stabbing it's leg once, then again it swings this time cutting deep into the knee making the Giant buckle then go to one knee, but it has time to swing it's arm and knock Thalar across the path onto the ground hard. Thalar gasps for air to catch his breath, back hurt.

Brethana was holding her action until seeing what Thalar would do and now acts at seeing him hurt. Swinging her Great Sword once, and raging she slices neatly once into it's stomach, and reaches back. Then with all her strength she jabs the Sword with both hands right into the Giants neck, but it gets stuck and she lets go, jumping back and removes her 2 elf blades, facing the bloodied and gory Giant.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:04 am
by VAN
Elvira leads the others closer to the other giant. The halfling has chosen a path with many trees and bushes so they can get cover from the giant's rocks. The large humanoid grins and moves farward searching them. As Inovidil sees him she waves her hands and a lighting bolt get the giant at his chest. Renad gets his holly symbol and touches Kel's arm. The fighter feels getting stronger.

The giant doesn't stop though, he comes closer and hits Kel with his big club. The fighter barely manages to jump aside and get hit only at his right hand, but the next swing of the club gets Kel at the stomach making him stumble, but fortunately the fighter doesn't loose his balance.

Kel attacks the giant with his great sword cutting his tendine. The giants cries in pain and fell in one knee, but with his arms gets Kel and starting squeezing him.

Renad drops his shield and gets another time his holly symbol and an ice axe appear at his hands. The cleric gets closer and slashes twice the giant, but only the first attack gets him at the leg. The giant cries in pain and drops Kel. Meanwhile Inovidil waves her hands and another lighting bolt hits the giant at the chest.