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Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:56 am
by ewancummins
Raf, I've sent you a PM.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:37 pm
by ewancummins
Rafael wrote:"The Fountain of Youth" will show possibilities to redeem all of the old characters, but mainly Shana.
I'm not especially interested in playing in this next game, then. I'd rather play a new game that is about the new PCs' adventures, and not playing clean up crew for the former PCs.

I might also be interested in continuing the original campaign with the surviving members of the old party and some replacement PCs.

Good luck with whatever you all decide to do.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:41 pm
by steveflam
ewancummins wrote:
Rafael wrote:"The Fountain of Youth" will show possibilities to redeem all of the old characters, but mainly Shana.
I'm not especially interested in playing in this next game, then. I'd rather play a new game that is about the new PCs' adventures, and not playing clean up crew for the former PCs.

I might also be interested in continuing the original campaign with the surviving members of the old party and some replacement PCs.

Good luck with whatever you all decide to do.

I personally think that if we make new pcs, the game should be about our new pcs and their backgrounds,. But hey, that is just my opinion.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:42 pm
by VAN
I think Raf already said that he will start a totally new game in FR with new PCs. Just he may run a chat game till we end the last chapter and find out what will happen with Shana etc. But the main game will be totally different. This is what I got at least.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:45 pm
by ewancummins
Rafael wrote:
With Ezra's youngest avatar killed, the spells of protection vanished, and left Shana, Inovidil, and Brethanna bare to Moorkroft's new powers.
...powers which he used to free Ino and Brethana from the prison where they would have starved to death or been killed by Leo.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:55 pm
by kintire
...powers which he used to free Ino and Brethana from the prison where they would have starved to death or been killed by Leo.
The prison he put them in in the first place...

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:58 pm
by ewancummins
kintire wrote:
...powers which he used to free Ino and Brethana from the prison where they would have starved to death or been killed by Leo.
The prison he put them in in the first place...

Ummm, no, that was the Mists. Jamethon didn't bring them to the island. He had no more choice in that than anyone else.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:03 pm
by ewancummins
I just want to us all to be clear about this: Jamethon did nothing against any other PC, except for Shana. He helped the party, his allies. Shana said it herself,she was not his ally. She made it clear that she despised him.

None of this reflects my feelings towards Kintire, the player, mind you. I'm just correcting Kintire's misstatement. I don't hold it against her, but i do think it's important that the facts be known.

Jamethon had no more influence over the first part of the adventure than any other PC. He was "along for the ride" like the rest of them. He didn't choose to go to the island with the monastery. Remember, we couldn't even get off the door-raft.

Likewise, I, Ewan, had no special influence in the DM's design of the adventure. I didn't know beforehand about how the PCs would meet again, what they would find on the island, etc.

Plan B was a major gambit for which the DM had not planned. Thus, the 'OH SHIT' reaction. In OOC terms..I busted the pre-set plotline in a major way, for the second time.

If anyone has an issue with anything that happened in-game before Raf let me briefly take over, please take it up with Raf.

That's all.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:25 pm
by steveflam
ewancummins wrote:I just want to be clear about this: Jamethon did nothing against any other PC, except for Shana. He helped the party, his allies. Shana said it herself,she was not his ally.

I agree. IMO only Jamethon could harm the main antagonist/villain. No other pc could, except for him. Being in any other pcs shoes a person would have found the game really boring, but hey, that is just me ;)

For Brethana, her goal was to find her daughter and kill the lycanthrope responsible for killing her husband and the kidnapping of said daughter. Attacking a villain and smashing a Temple to bits in her way is no problem to her. It just gets gets her closer to her villain.
Not being able to do anything vs Leo is of course frustrating to a barbarian. She didn't do anything silly or stupid, she just did what she thought would advance herself to her ultimate goal: Kill the lycanthrope responsible for Thalar's death and kidnapping of ELvira her daughter.

That being said, like I said earlier I was hoping Raf would use Bre's background but he never did. So I found that Brethana was an ok pc but maybe I could have played another pc more useful to the campaign seeing as he did not use her background.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:29 pm
by kintire
I just want to be clear about this: Jamethon did nothing against any other PC, except for Shana. He helped the party, his allies. Shana said it herself,she was not his ally.
The whole adventure was helping Jamethon protect Ezra. No one, including Shana, was in that situation for any reason other than that they had agreed to help Jamethon protect Ezra back in that inn all those months ago. Jamethon kept a LOT of secrets about Ezra's nature and it is my very strong impression that that is was Ezra that drew them into the mists. She is goddess of the mists after all! And those black tentacles that pulled us in to that place came from her.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:33 pm
by ewancummins
kintire wrote:
I just want to be clear about this: Jamethon did nothing against any other PC, except for Shana. He helped the party, his allies. Shana said it herself,she was not his ally.
The whole adventure was helping Jamethon protect Ezra. No one, including Shana, was in that situation for any reason other than that they had agreed to help Jamethon protect Ezra back in that inn all those months ago. Jamethon kept a LOT of secrets about Ezra's nature and it is my very strong impression that that is was Ezra that drew them into the mists. She is goddess of the mists after all! And those black tentacles that pulled us in to that place came from her.

Ummm, you do realize that during that whole time Jamethon was not controlling Ezra, the hypothetical Dark Powers, or anything else besides himself, yes?

If it had been in his power, he would not have chosen to enter the Land of the Mists stuck on a raft-door, adrift at sea with a woman who hated him, without adequate supplies, etc. For that matter, he would not have forced anyone else to come along.

So yeah, don't be silly.

Also, what secrets?

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:10 pm
by steveflam
I honestly found that, since we have been doing these chat games, it is quick paced and fast. I explain myself here. I have the impression that Rafael wants to get the game done fast in chat, so we have that one or two times to play his chapter.

My take on this is simple. Add some roleplaying, make it more fun for the pcs.So the game will last longer. So what? Roleplaying is fun and makes it interesting for us. I like roleplaying and I think everyone else does too, Raf included. So the game will last longer, but so
what. We are having more fun and enjoying it. Rafael is an excellent DM and very good with roleplaying.

Remember when we played PbP? [as far back as Staunton Bluffs in fact]. There was Roleplaying and our pcs had a chance to do stuff. My feeling is with the chat, Rafael had a game plan and never gave us a chance to rp his game. I felt he was railroading us.... not giving us a chance to even try. Example in last game only Jamethon could harm Leo.

I'd like to bring up another point for future chat games for us all.

TO make things much easier, wouldn't it make sense to have an order of playing, like in tabletop?

Example: Rafael rolls initiatives for everyone. This is the order: Shana, Foe, Inovidil, Jamethon and then Brethana.

So we do like on tabletop and follow a specific order.

IN this example, Shana declares her action. The DM, being Raf responds. Once he is done, he'll tell the next person in the
initiative "ok it, is the Foe's turn" and so on and so on.

This way there isnt a posting smorgasbord of everyone at the same time.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:28 pm
by ewancummins
Yeah, I PMed Raf with a similar suggestion about using declared actions and 'table order.'

I want more roleplaying and more freedom of choice for the PCs.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:30 pm
by ewancummins
A final note on Jamethon:

Now that Jamethon has gone into darkness, I'd very much like let his story be at its end. Maybe that's just me, but I think Plan B and its outcome was a fitting end for this character. Jamethon sacrificed his own soul to save Ezra's soul, if it could be saved, and to free his trapped allies. Like I said, he may be damned, but he's damned on his own terms. That's a Gothic anti-hero, right there!

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:38 pm
by steveflam
ewancummins wrote:A final note on Jamethon:

Now that Jamethon has gone into darkness, I'd very much like let his story be at its end. Maybe that's just me, but I think Plan B and its outcome was a fitting end for this character. Jamethon sacrificed his own soul to save Ezra's soul, if it could be saved, and to free his trapped allies. Like I said, he may be damned, but he's damned on his own terms. That's a Gothic anti-hero, right there!
I agree. Let's move on :)