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Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:30 pm
by VAN
Inovidil jumps up and hugs Threen! Then gets the spellbook in her hands and hugs it as well.

"Threen, thank you very much! Of course I'll make some scrolls for Glim. Will be the least I can do for you guys! You helped me so much, I could have never get the money in time if wasn't for you two!"

Turning to Glim she says:

"I'll come here and enhance the cloak for 8 hours as promised and when finished you can ask me any help you want and I'll make you scrolls."

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:37 pm
by ewancummins
gnome shop-

Glim smiles.

''Well, we're just glad that you are alright. Losing your book would have been a disaster!''

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:41 pm
by VAN
"Oh yes, worst thing that has happened to me! And believe me I haven't had an easy life so far!"

Flipping the pages of the spellbook, Ino makes a slight grimace as saw the 2 missing spells.

"Glim, last favour, can I get detect magic from your spellbook to mine? And also do you know another wizard near here that has mirror image?"

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:52 pm
by ewancummins
gnome shop

Glim answers-

''Detect magic? No problem, that won't take long to copy; it's such a simple spell.''

As for the favor-

''An image-making spell, huh? Hmmmmm.... there is an illusionist living in town. Her name is Vindala Chalanther. I've heard that she works for pay, teaching, mostly. She hangs out at The Drowing Flagon. Threan knows where it is, maybe he can go with you after today's work is done?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:55 pm
by VAN
"Fine by me! I never say no to a drink and even more if I can get a spell from someone!"

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:11 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
Militia HQ
ewancummins wrote:''We not only know his name, it's Tam, but we have him here at headquarters. He's in the dayroom with Sergeant Talbot. You may question him before releasing him, as you like. As for the orphans, yes we have three names: Willem, Hamnet, and Cora. That's two little boys and a young girl. I'm not aware of any connections beyond what's obvious- but you might find more by digging a little. ''
Blaise looks at his companions and says, "All right, then. Let's talk to this Tam fellow before we go to the orphanage." If there are no objections, he asks Rask to point the way.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:31 pm
by ewancummins
Ken of Ghastria wrote:Militia HQ

Blaise looks at his companions and says, "All right, then. Let's talk to this Tam fellow before we go to the orphanage." If there are no objections, he asks Rask to point the way.
Rask leads the way to the dayroom, where an unfamiliar man sits under the watchful eyes of a couple of bored-looking militiamen. The stranger is about fifty years old, to judge by appearances: stout build, close cropped salt and pepper hair and beard, and a pallid complection.

''Tam, these men will ask you some more questions. ''

Rask turns to face Blaise and company.

''He's all yours. Report back to me when you have significant developments or need additional resources. Go to it, lads.''

With that, the captain departs.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:01 pm
by kintire
Shana gapes for a moment at the stains, then grits her teeth.

"What's behind this door?"

She moves forward, looking for the source of the stains, a little warily, but whatever happened here happened last night. Mostly, she is afraid of what she will see.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 6:22 pm
by BigBadQDaddy
Looking from Blaise to Tam, Alain enters the room. He tries to exude a confident manner as he begins to speak.

"Hello, Tam. My name is Alain Guischard. These men are my partners working the orphanage case." Alain allows a moment for the others to introduce themselves to the night soil man before continuing.
"I am sure you have been asked a great many questions since you have been brought here for questioning, but understand it is completely necessary that we receive full cooperation.
"What I would like for you to do is to give me an exact recounting of the events that occurred between the twilight hours of last evening up until the sun rose this morning from your point of view. Please, do not leave out a single detail."

With that said, Alain produces his quill and notebook once more, prepared to record the mans words.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:34 pm
by ewancummins
kintire wrote:Shana gapes for a moment at the stains, then grits her teeth.

"What's behind this door?"

She moves forward, looking for the source of the stains, a little warily, but whatever happened here happened last night. Mostly, she is afraid of what she will see.

Someone in the small crowd at her back answers-

''That's the door to the reliquary and treasury....''

Another voice,

''Only Thumast , the High Priest, and the Treasurer can open it.''

Shana can see that the door has neither handle nor lock- only a bare brass plate where a lock would ordinarily be.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:20 pm
by ewancummins
dayroom, Militia HQ

The man replies and something in his accent suggests he's not native to this part of the realm- indeed; possibly he's not a Cormyte at all.

''Well-met, Messer Guischard.
Now, I'll tell you how it all did pass, true and proper. Last evening, as the sun dropped over the West Wall, I took out my cart and went to work, same as ever and always. Pushing a night soil cart pays better than you might think heh. Sometimes I find something valuable that's been thrown out with the shite and offal, and then I can keep it! I found a nice fancy hatpin a ten-day back...Ah, but I am getting' off the trail, aren’t I? Well, nothing of mark did pass all the night through, until I was nigh to the end of my turns, and I come upon the Ingeloarn Orphanage. I was emptying the bins when I heard a queer, soft sound above me. I looked up, and I saw three boys clambering up the wall of the orphanage. At first, I thought 'these are just some moppets coming home late.' Ah, but they were climbing most marvelously, just like a mob of spiders. Something was wrong; I knew it in my smallbones. Well, one of the brats looked down at me and his eyes...his face...''

Tam shivers, despite the relatively warm air of the dayroom.

''It wasn't a natural child at all! No, it was one of those demon-things that attacked the city on the day of the Great Burning. I am ashamed to say it, but I ran as far away as I could, fast as my legs would carry me. I left my cart- though they tell me that it was recovered by the militia, thank the Smiling Lady. Once I calmed down, I went to get help, but it took a while for things to...uhh...process...before they brought me here. I'll do what I can to help those wee ones that have gone missing. Can't help but feel partly to blame- I oughtn’t to have shown my back so quickly. I should have raised an alarum right then and there.''

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:26 am
by Le Noir Faineant
ewancummins wrote:Rask's office-

Watch-Captain Rask asks,

''Ironheart, do you have any experience killing the dead, so to speak? Beyond that fight with the ghouls at Blackpillars, I mean.''
Ironheart smiles from one ear to another, a rather grotesque sight.

"Yes... Yeah."

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:21 am
by ewancummins
Rafael wrote:
ewancummins wrote:Rask's office-

Ironheart smiles from one ear to another, a rather grotesque sight.

"Yes... Yeah."
Rask tells Ironheart-

''Good, good! If some of those child-monsters survived the fires- I want you and the other men to hunt them down and destroy them all. ''

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:32 am
by ewancummins
Morningmist Hall

Shana can see that the stains are widest in two spots- one set near the door and the other three yards down the hall. Both sets of marks run to the closed door and vanish beneath its lower edge. Shana has certainly seen enough bloodstains to recognize these marks for what they are.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:36 am
by Lord Skybolt
"Yes I can show you were she hangs out after I get back from talking to Captain Rask to see if their has been any noteworthy things that has come about while I was arranging the contract for these items to be made as Glim will be making several of them for the customer . I shall leave you to your work then . Oh and by the way the Cloak doesn't need to be finished as quick as possible but with in a month . "And with that he leaves the shop .