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Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:00 pm
by Joël of the FoS
Welcome back, Scipio!

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:35 am
by Scipio
Thanks guys. Glad to be back. I missed my brethren on these boards. Seems like a big part of my life that's been missing. What got me to be back was when Adam (aka MagusRogue) and I were talking PnP and I mentioned Ravenloft. He asked if I ever read the Monte Mal Gazeteer. :P Can you imagine :P

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:34 am
by Artero Raffalovich
Hello everyone, it is nice to find a website so efficient.
I would like to help you doing your netbooks.

I paint with China ink and I think my style somehow fits Ravenloft's mood.

I have already done several pictures for the nineteenth qtr (Blaustein).
It would be a pleasure to do more drawings for you.
The only thing I want is to be mentionned in the credits as Rafael Artero-Raffalovich.

You will find here attached some of my productions.

I am eager to receive your commands.

Faithfully yours

Rafael Artero-Raffalovich

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:42 am
by Artero Raffalovich
Well, strangely, I didn't succeed in uploading my pictures.
I am going to try again.

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:58 am
by PIG
Hey everyone. Ravenloft was my first box set and it remains to be my favorite setting to this day. I'm glad to find a community who loves it as much as me, if not more. I look forward to contributing to the Domains of Dread as soon as possible!

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:40 am
by Gonzoron of the FoS
Welcome, PIG!

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:06 pm
by Joël of the FoS
Rafael wrote:Hello everyone, it is nice to find a website so efficient.
I would like to help you doing your netbooks.

I paint with China ink and I think my style somehow fits Ravenloft's mood.

I have already done several pictures for the nineteenth qtr (Blaustein).
It would be a pleasure to do more drawings for you.
The only thing I want is to be mentionned in the credits as Rafael Artero-Raffalovich.

You will find here attached some of my productions.

I am eager to receive your commands.

Faithfully yours

Rafael Artero-Raffalovich
Welcome to the boards, Rafael :)

Indeed, Rafael did a dozen drawings that you will see in the revised version of Blaustein (in the soon to be released :oops: ) SoS FoS Report).

His black and white style is quite cool you'll see :)


Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:45 pm
by Gonzoron of the FoS
Rafael wrote:Well, strangely, I didn't succeed in uploading my pictures.
I am going to try again.
Make sure you click "add the file" before clicking submit for your message.

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:05 pm
by gravedgr
Well, hi everyone!

I've been a fan of the FoS for a very long time, and before that the Kargatane and many others. Sadly, most of my RL web links are now dead (geocities, anyone?), so I'm very happy to see this place still active and actively growing in content.

I've been playing D&D a _very_ long time. In but a few years, my oldest set of rules will turn 40. In all this time, RL has been (and always will be) my favorite game setting. I own all the books, and most of the gaming rules/supplements. I came to RL through a friend who I consider a demigod of DM's when it comes to this setting (I am a mere pupil), and have loved it ever since.

Well, that's probably enough for now.

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:11 pm
by Gonzoron of the FoS
Welcome gravdgr! glad to have you finally registered and contributing. Enjoy!

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:08 pm
by gravedgr
Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:Welcome gravedgr! glad to have you finally registered and contributing. Enjoy!
Thank you, although I haven't really contributed yet. :wink:

I need to update my house rules handbook and then I might have something to actually offer. We don't play Ravenloft "by the book" and instead use a variation, or variations of a variation, for over a decade. I'm not sure how best to explain it other than post up some or all of the house rules. For instance, we remove a lot of the 'fantasy' and insert more 'gothic horror', with a game world much more like our own (for instance, we have removed the RL pantheon and used a semblance of Catholicism before). Here is a snippet from my race section (we're currently using the PF ruleset):
1. All Pathfinder RPG races are allowable as characters if you are a non-native. Native Ravenloft characters may be human, half-elf (sickly), elf (fey), dwarf (midgets), halfling (children), Vistani (gypsy), or half-Vistani. Native characters other than humans require DM approval.
2. Ravenloft is populated predominately by humans – more so than other D&D game worlds. If you are non-human, you will find that some regions are more tolerant than others of different races. The notes above in parenthesis are how most natives view non-humans.
In our RL, magic is a rare and frightening thing. Magic users tend to be shunned, and the DM (as the dark powers) decides what and how much a player has in the way of magical powers, spells, etc. Also, our game is very background and story based. Your stats, class and race are much less important than where you came from, and what dirty secret is in your background.

That's another particular feature that is a part of every RL game we run. EVERYONE, has a dirty secret somewhere. EVERYONE, has done something his/her friends would find vile, offensive or at the least 'unusual'. Shining beacons of light are uninteresting to the dark powers, whereas that thing you did one time haunts your memory or appears in your dreams or tempts you to take just one more tiny step down the wrong path are very attractive.

Anyhow, I will save more for later. :D

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:10 pm
by The Giamarga
gravedgr wrote:Well, hi everyone!

I've been a fan of the FoS for a very long time, and before that the Kargatane and many others. Sadly, most of my RL web links are now dead (geocities, anyone?), so I'm very happy to see this place still active and actively growing in content.

I've been playing D&D a _very_ long time. In but a few years, my oldest set of rules will turn 40. In all this time, RL has been (and always will be) my favorite game setting. I own all the books, and most of the gaming rules/supplements. I came to RL through a friend who I consider a demigod of DM's when it comes to this setting (I am a mere pupil), and have loved it ever since.

Well, that's probably enough for now.

Some of the old RL sites have been archived by the FoS.

Also try substituting reocities for geocities in your links. Reocities is an geocities archive project...

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:25 am
by kultra
Hi, I've been running a campaign in Ravenloft for the last few months, and I've been loving mistpedia and the board. It's hugely cool seeing how many of the creators are still involved with this series. All my experience in Ravenloft has been in the second edition, so the mistpedia has been a huge help in catching me up, and I'm loving QtRs and all the rest of the materials at Fraternity of Shadows. I didn't know the Gazatteers existed before coming to this site, and I"m now working on tracking them down.

Anyways, I've been looking at the site for so long that I finally had to come and post. Good to meet you all :lucas:

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:17 am
by Zilfer
Good luck tracking down the Gazetteers! Still working on a "reasonable" priced one for VI and V myself though I understand they are pretty rare.... XD

Welcome to the community. Just watch out for Bing's multiple personalities :diamabel: , Gonzoron's Schemes :azalin: , and Ryan's floating brain in a jar. :Brain:

Re: New to the Forum? introduce yourself here!

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:26 am
by Gonzoron of the FoS
kultra wrote:Hi, I've been running a campaign in Ravenloft for the last few months, and I've been loving mistpedia and the board. It's hugely cool seeing how many of the creators are still involved with this series. All my experience in Ravenloft has been in the second edition, so the mistpedia has been a huge help in catching me up, and I'm loving QtRs and all the rest of the materials at Fraternity of Shadows. I didn't know the Gazatteers existed before coming to this site, and I"m now working on tracking them down.
Welcome kultra! Always glad to see new members, new fans of the netbooks, and especially glad to see people getting use out of mistipedia. Hope you find the Gaz's easily. They are fantastic products, for sure.