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Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:56 pm
by ewancummins


The party rests and makes preparations for travel in the morning...

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:03 pm
by ewancummins
steveflam wrote:
"We've found evidence that this crone is using magic related to worship of the demon prince Orcus," Cranstel says, gulping as he says the words, "So perhaps the graves would make sense as an investigation point."

"Orcus? I'm sorry master Cranstel but I have no knowledge of this demon prince you speak of. Is this serious? I will defer to your and Lady Isolde's judgements for where we should go.

Are we prepared to face this Crone and whatever she can do?"

Isolde says, ''It is deadly serious. We have to find the Crone and stop her. If we cannot capture her alive...well, in any event we mustn't let her escape."
The young priestess fingers her holy symbol as she speaks.
"I have made sacrifices and prepared such rituals as seem best against her evil power. We know that fire can destroy her undead minions, as can crushing blows or being hacked apart. Master Cranstel has some antidotes to at least one of her poisons--possibly her worst weapon.I don't know if all that will be enough, but I believe we are better prepared than we have been in the past. And she is running. Cut off from her hooded thugs, if the last word we had from Sir Gunnar about making arrests is reliable. Let's find her and stop her for good."


DOMENICA leads her witch-hunters to the rural graveyard. A local farmer and his two grown sons assist the search, handling a brace of bloodhounds.

The part reaches the graveyard in the early afternoon, finding the simple wooden gate swinging in the cool breeze. The low stone fence that surrounds the acre of burying ground looks no different from the ancient fieldstone walls that separate farms and pastures in this region of Elevenermiere. The upper, further end of the stone fence connects with the walls of a partly ruined building that squats on a low hill south of the lot.

The farmer says that is the old chapel.
"Burned by night raiders. Elfs, mostlike. The parish priest carried off the relics that remained, and uses his own house as the shrine these days. Only comes out here to bury the dead."

Within the graveyard enclosure, heaps of dirt lie all about, amid overturned wooden and slate markers. Open pits yawn. But not all the graves have been thus disturbed.

Counting, the hunters determine that perhaps twenty bodies could be missing. It's hard to be certain given the crudeness of the few inscriptions made her and the local custom of burying children with their parents (something the farmer also remarks upon during the search).

Vollmar asks Domenica, ''What next?"

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:18 pm
by steveflam
ewancummins wrote:
steveflam wrote:
"We've found evidence that this crone is using magic related to worship of the demon prince Orcus," Cranstel says, gulping as he says the words, "So perhaps the graves would make sense as an investigation point."

"Orcus? I'm sorry master Cranstel but I have no knowledge of this demon prince you speak of. Is this serious? I will defer to your and Lady Isolde's judgements for where we should go.

Are we prepared to face this Crone and whatever she can do?"

Isolde says, ''It is deadly serious. We have to find the Crone and stop her. If we cannot capture her alive...well, in any event we mustn't let her escape."
The young priestess fingers her holy symbol as she speaks.
"I have made sacrifices and prepared such rituals as seem best against her evil power. We know that fire can destroy her undead minions, as can crushing blows or being hacked apart. Master Cranstel has some antidotes to at least one of her poisons--possibly her worst weapon.I don't know if all that will be enough, but I believe we are better prepared than we have been in the past. And she is running. Cut off from her hooded thugs, if the last word we had from Sir Gunnar about making arrests is reliable. Let's find her and stop her for good."


DOMENICA leads her witch-hunters to the rural graveyard. A local farmer and his two grown sons assist the search, handling a brace of bloodhounds.

The part reaches the graveyard in the early afternoon, finding the simple wooden gate swinging in the cool breeze. The low stone fence that surrounds the acre of burying ground looks no different from the ancient fieldstone walls that separate farms and pastures in this region of Elevenermiere. The upper, further end of the stone fence connects with the walls of a partly ruined building that squats on a low hill south of the lot.

The farmer says that is the old chapel.
"Burned by night raiders. Elfs, mostlike. The parish priest carried off the relics that remained, and uses his own house as the shrine these days. Only comes out here to bury the dead."

Within the graveyard enclosure, heaps of dirt lie all about, amid overturned wooden and slate markers. Open pits yawn. But not all the graves have been thus disturbed.

Counting, the hunters determine that perhaps twenty bodies could be missing. It's hard to be certain given the crudeness of the few inscriptions made her and the local custom of burying children with their parents (something the farmer also remarks upon during the search).

Vollmar asks Domenica, ''What next?"
Domenica looks at Vollmar and smiles. "Well there appear to be at least twenty dead bodies missing. I am presuming that the Crone is responsible as she likes to use the living dead men."

She shudders at the thought. Looking to Isolde and Cranstel "Well, it looks like she is not here. It appears she now has twenty , well to put it lightly, men? At her service. Do we go after her

or get more men to defeat not only her, but these twenty men? Are we sufficient to defeat these twenty men and Oona the Crone?""

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:48 pm
by VAN
Falcon's roost

Filbert notices that Termelan avoids talking about archmages and stops asking about it. He merely lets the bard decide what to tell and he doesn't ask question that might get him uncomfortable. Filbert talks about demihumans in general and halfning in specific and tries to explain the Shadow world as better as he can. He also points out that it isn't always is the same and he told him his last adventure with the ghouls and Ugo.

If they have access to the library he pass lot of time there trying to find anything he can about fiends, their poison, undead and ways to destroy them. If Safana is around and not busy he asks her to look the books together since she understands them better.

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:13 pm
by ewancummins
ewancummins wrote: DOMENICA leads her witch-hunters to the rural graveyard. A local farmer and his two grown sons assist the search, handling a brace of bloodhounds.

The part reaches the graveyard in the early afternoon, finding the simple wooden gate swinging in the cool breeze. The low stone fence that surrounds the acre of burying ground looks no different from the ancient fieldstone walls that separate farms and pastures in this region of Elevenermiere. The upper, further end of the stone fence connects with the walls of a partly ruined building that squats on a low hill south of the lot.

The farmer says that is the old chapel.
"Burned by night raiders. Elfs, mostlike. The parish priest carried off the relics that remained, and uses his own house as the shrine these days. Only comes out here to bury the dead."

Within the graveyard enclosure, heaps of dirt lie all about, amid overturned wooden and slate markers. Open pits yawn. But not all the graves have been thus disturbed.

Counting, the hunters determine that perhaps twenty bodies could be missing. It's hard to be certain given the crudeness of the few inscriptions made her and the local custom of burying children with their parents (something the farmer also remarks upon during the search).

Vollmar asks Domenica, ''What next?"

Domenica looks at Vollmar and smiles. "Well there appear to be at least twenty dead bodies missing. I am presuming that the Crone is responsible as she likes to use the living dead men."

She shudders at the thought. Looking to Isolde and Cranstel "Well, it looks like she is not here. It appears she now has twenty , well to put it lightly, men? At her service. Do we go after her

or get more men to defeat not only her, but these twenty men? Are we sufficient to defeat these twenty men and Oona the Crone?""
ISOLDE says,
"Perhaps the writs we carry, signed by our Duke, would be enough to impress the Count and the Sheriff to give us men? Or at least to send militiamen and guards to help us? It may be only farmers with bill hooks, but men like those helped defend the walls of against the cannon and heavily armed mercenaries of Carilon Alam. If their courage holds, maybe they can fight the undead?"

Vollmar shrugs. " I like the idea of sending for Sir Gunnar and waiting. He's a professional killer. But I don't see any harm in calling up the locals."

Finn says, " I think Sir Gunnar would be a huge help, boss, but I also think we can't wait too long or we' ll maybe let the Crone get away. She killed Crowley! We have got to pay her back for that."

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:34 pm
by steveflam
ISOLDE says,
"Perhaps the writs we carry, signed by our Duke, would be enough to impress the Count and the Sheriff to give us men? Or at least to send militiamen and guards to help us? It may be only farmers with bill hooks, but men like those helped defend the walls of against the cannon and heavily armed mercenaries of Carilon Alam. If their courage holds, maybe they can fight the undead?"

Vollmar shrugs. " I like the idea of sending for Sir Gunnar and waiting. He's a professional killer. But I don't see any harm in calling up the locals."

Finn says, " I think Sir Gunnar would be a huge help, boss, but I also think we can't wait too long or we' ll maybe let the Crone get away. She killed Crowley! We have got to pay her back for that."

Domenica listens to everyone, conscious of the circumstances. Sure, the writs can help us gain men. They most assuredly won't be competent enough to fight these things. Isolde has a point in

what she says, for sure. However our foes are not normal foes. They are living dead men after all. Waiting a little longer to get the proper aid we need is the way to go. I am more than saddened

about Mungus but that is in the past. When we have Crone, we shall see. Crowley's death does not sit well with me at all, but I have to think of the big picture here. We need to get this

done with once and for all.

Taking a deep breath she exhales, then sighs. Looking at everyone gathered around her she smiles. "All right. I've listened to everyone, Thank you very much for your input and thoughts on

this matter. This is serious business indeed. I wish none to die here. On this note, this is what I have decided."

She looks at every one there, serious.

"I am aware that we probably should go on, find this Crone, Oona and defeat her. gather farmers and anyone else, with our writs, men to help us."

She stops, pausing before continuing.

"Perhaps a good idea if we were to combat normal men and a normal foe. Alas, we are not. We need experienced combattants, men or women who can help us insure the defeat of

Oona the Crone and her living dead. Yes," she looks at Vollmar, Finn and her men "Crowley was killed by this Crone, but I will not endanger anyone any more because of her. I think it

is high time we defeat her for good. I will not risk any of your lives if we can do this right, and once only. Thus I have decided it best for all of us if we send for Gunnar and his men

to help us. I am sorry if I disappoint any of you, but I hold you in my highest regard and wish only the best for you. Find me the fastest runner and get me Gunnar and his men as soon

as humanly possible."

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:16 pm
by ewancummins


SIR GUNNAR's WARBAND arrives in the province in response to DOMENICA's summons.
GUNNAR's advisers, GAELIN and DAENE, follow trail signs, scents, and omens that lead him and the whole party to the place the Elevesnemiere men call ELF HILL.

DOMENICA's call for aid also reaches THE TOWER OF THE HUNT, where the SEARCHERS have rested for a couple of nights, regaining their strength.
If they chose to aid the folk of the province, they may join the force of militia the provincial count is massing at the Auld Oak, a roadhouse ( also the place where Foerde, Cormac, and Gunnar once rallied local men to fight bandits).

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:45 pm
by Lord Skybolt
Gunnar turns to his advisers "So this is where you think they are, hmm well lets make sure there are no obvious ambushes around here like having some zombies put in the ground ready to come out of the ground to attack us while we at camp site or some such thing ." Gunnar thinking to himself: No one should fall for that kind of thing since we know THE WITCH can make and control zombies .

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:51 pm
by ewancummins
Lord Skybolt wrote:Gunnar turns to his advisers "So this is where you think they are, hmm well lets make sure there are no obvious ambushes around here like having some zombies put in the ground ready to come out of the ground to attack us while we at camp site or some such thing ." Gunnar thinking to himself: No one should fall for that kind of thing since we know THE WITCH can make and control zombies .
Gunnar's men comb the fields, ditches, and smaller hills about the lonely, strangely regular mound with the ring of tumbled granit slabs on top.
In particular, they look for freshly turned earth, having been advised of the trick the Crone used on Sir Rory's party.
No traps or foes, but DAENE notes footprints leading toward Elf Hill. All toward, none away.

The small warband then settles into a cordon around the hill, watching the road that runs nearby and looking out over the fallow ground , lest anyone hiding on or in the hill sneak out...

They wait for reinforcements.

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:06 am
by RocEter

Foerde has spent the better part of 5 days, doing his best to explain what has transpired while she slept. When they entered Tuornen, Tarala was shocked by lack of trees but otherwise finds humans intriguing. He isn't sure if that is a good thing, if she is shock but still he does his best to answer any questions she may have. As they walk through the snow covered lands towards his home Foerde notices smoke by day, torches by night and the occasional fast rider on the hills. As far as he can gather the country side is on alert, though he doesn't know why.

Finally they reach Foerde's little home at night. A struggle happened, made apparent by the damage his, and the frost that has since covered the inside. Perhaps from when he was whisked away by that teleporation scroll? He shakes his head to stop himself from analyzing the state of his house. "This is my Home." He says.

"Usually it is so..." He pauses for a moment, "Messy."

"Don't mind the Bobcat, he is friendly enough." He says to her. "I will start fire in the hearth room, so you can warm yourself. Then I will see about getting some new clothes."

He shows Tarala to the hearth room, then he gets some firewood and starts a fire. Once she is comfortable, he will go find a change of clothes. Of course nothing really fits all that well, he has to make another couple notches on his belt to hold his pants up, his shirt is bit loose and his priestly vestments drag on the floor some. He keeps his feet and hands wrapped in cloth for now, boots won't fit. From a chest in his room, he grabs an old looking war sword and a kite shield.

Once he has changed Foerde looks for any remaining nonperishable that he can use to make him and his guest something to eat.

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:08 am
by ewancummins
RocEter wrote:Foerde

Foerde has spent the better part of 5 days, doing his best to explain what has transpired while she slept. When they entered Tuornen, Tarala was shocked by lack of trees but otherwise finds humans intriguing. He isn't sure if that is a good thing, if she is shock but still he does his best to answer any questions she may have. As they walk through the snow covered lands towards his home Foerde notices smoke by day, torches by night and the occasional fast rider on the hills. As far as he can gather the country side is on alert, though he doesn't know why.

Finally they reach Foerde's little home at night. A struggle happened, made apparent by the damage his, and the frost that has since covered the inside. Perhaps from when he was whisked away by that teleporation scroll? He shakes his head to stop himself from analyzing the state of his house. "This is my Home." He says.

"Usually it is so..." He pauses for a moment, "Messy."

"Don't mind the Bobcat, he is friendly enough." He says to her. "I will start fire in the hearth room, so you can warm yourself. Then I will see about getting some new clothes."

He shows Tarala to the hearth room, then he gets some firewood and starts a fire. Once she is comfortable, he will go find a change of clothes. Of course nothing really fits all that well, he has to make another couple notches on his belt to hold his pants up, his shirt is bit loose and his priestly vestments drag on the floor some. He keeps his feet and hands wrapped in cloth for now, boots won't fit. From a chest in his room, he grabs an old looking war sword and a kite shield.

Once he has changed Foerde looks for any remaining nonperishable that he can use to make him and his guest something to eat.
The bobcat seems to be gone.

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:18 am
by RocEter
ewancummins wrote:
RocEter wrote:Foerde

Foerde has spent the better part of 5 days, doing his best to explain what has transpired while she slept. When they entered Tuornen, Tarala was shocked by lack of trees but otherwise finds humans intriguing. He isn't sure if that is a good thing, if she is shock but still he does his best to answer any questions she may have. As they walk through the snow covered lands towards his home Foerde notices smoke by day, torches by night and the occasional fast rider on the hills. As far as he can gather the country side is on alert, though he doesn't know why.

Finally they reach Foerde's little home at night. A struggle happened, made apparent by the damage his, and the frost that has since covered the inside. Perhaps from when he was whisked away by that teleporation scroll? He shakes his head to stop himself from analyzing the state of his house. "This is my Home." He says.

"Usually it is so..." He pauses for a moment, "Messy."

"Don't mind the Bobcat, he is friendly enough." He says to her. "I will start fire in the hearth room, so you can warm yourself. Then I will see about getting some new clothes."

He shows Tarala to the hearth room, then he gets some firewood and starts a fire. Once she is comfortable, he will go find a change of clothes. Of course nothing really fits all that well, he has to make another couple notches on his belt to hold his pants up, his shirt is bit loose and his priestly vestments drag on the floor some. He keeps his feet and hands wrapped in cloth for now, boots won't fit. From a chest in his room, he grabs an old looking war sword and a kite shield.

Once he has changed Foerde looks for any remaining nonperishable that he can use to make him and his guest something to eat.
The bobcat seems to be gone.
Foerde isn't too worried, Roirdin is smart and scrappy. If he survived, and survives the winter he will return home in the spring. Once prepared a meal for them, he joins Tarala by the fire. He leaves his weapons next to the wall and finds a spot on the floor to sit. "I apologize for the state of my home, it would appear my previous guests have taken advantage of generosity. " He says to her. "I know this isn't what you are used to but it will have to do for now. The winter frost has ruined most of food stores. I just pray one of the locals have taken care of my horse and mule while I was away."

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:09 pm
by steveflam
Elf Hill

Domenica has an idea and shares it with everyone. "We'll disguise everyone here to look like farmers or sheppherds. Use any clothing we have, we'll share. I will help all of you,

as I am pretty handy in the art of disguise."

As everyone is getting disguised, whilst she offers one person this tip or that, she takes the time to look around. She discovers an old, deep furrow or ditch with some shrubs growing in it.

They could hide in there and be within Bow shot of Elf Hill on the east side.. She shows it to everyone.

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:18 pm
by ewancummins
steveflam wrote:Elf Hill

Domenica has an idea and shares it with everyone. "We'll disguise everyone here to look like farmers or sheppherds. Use any clothing we have, we'll share. I will help all of you,

as I am pretty handy in the art of disguise."

As everyone is getting disguised, whilst she offers one person this tip or that, she takes the time to look around. She discovers an old, deep furrow or ditch with some shrubs growing in it.

They could hide in there and be within Bow shot of Elf Hill on the east side.. She shows it to everyone.

GUNNAR's men take to the idea of disguise with enthusiasm.
The tracker, DAENE, remarks that he ought to have thought of something like that, but he didn't.

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:21 am
by kintire
Safana remains coll and collected usually, but those who know her well will be aware that she is quite shaken. As the days go by, however, that seems to subside and her good spirits return, to a degree. She expresses her deep honour that Caine desires her presence, and enthusiasm for his company. In private to Filbert and Termalan her enthusiasm is more qualified, but she seems genuinely willing to remain if it will aid the alliance.

To Termalan alone she will express her nervousness at remining with the Archmage, but her hope she might learn some arcane secrets from him...