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Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:41 pm
by Guest
Archedius Tagaris

Age/Nationality: 70, Damaran
Height/Build: 6 feet tall, athletic

Facial=Completely shaved head, numerous scars intertwining and intersection many wrinkles on his face, perticularly noticable scar running from his left cheek nearly horizontally under his nose and across to the opposite corner of his mouth, blue eyes, overall weary and haggard appearance with the slight bearing of dignity, well-kempt.

Body= As well muscled and lithe as a warrior half his age. Numerous scars, surgical marks, bruises, a blackened skeletal handprint (from one of the Witch-King's undead minions), pronounced limp in his right leg (can be suppressed for combat, just painful).
Gear= leather armor in grays/browns/greens, an average looking spear (which he leans on often), numerous visible and nonvisible scabbards with daggers and a short sword, a small wooden/metal buckler, chain hood over scalb and neck, heavy hooded traveling cloak.

Personality: Archedius, despite his age and injuries, is still a viable combatant. He has replaced the vigour and straightforward approach of youth for planning, thought and the unexpected. He is not adverse to ambushes, sabotage, unconventional means of nearly any sort.
If he can't fight something out in the open, he'll find some way to weaken it and fight it on his terms. He's not cruel nor amoral, just detatched. His family has been dead for decades (which he blames himself wrongly for), the men under his command are retired or dead.

What's left to him is his work. He hopes to one day be able to die a worthy death to redeem himself and wonders how he's managed to live so long, reinforcing this belief. He's not afraid of dying or of much else. He's fought against armies of undead, goblinoids, giants and magical abominations for Damaran independance for so long- not much can
cause fright.

Failure to redeem himself is what keeps him up at night. He's not afraid of pain or death, but of not being able to die for the right cause.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:02 pm
by ewancummins
Archideus, cool!

Your PC can be anyplace in the city. If he's looking to bear arms openly and legally, it's quite likely he's in line to sign up for this new militia- unless he's got 1000 gold lions handy to buy a personal adventuring license, or he can find some buddies and convince them to ante up and form an adventuring company.

If you want to join the militia, assume your PC arrives on scene, or was already on scene with Rardi, outside the warehouse. If not, never fear, i have stuff for you.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:24 pm
by Archedius
bah lol failed at logging in again *sigh* I apologize for that.

Looking at my sheet- I have 1,782 GP left. When the opportunity arises, I would like to purchase an adventuring license.

I'm basically approaching the main gate cautiously as I'm not sure what cuty this is or what state it's in. You know, with the big pyre and all : )

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:44 pm
by ewancummins
Archedius wrote:bah lol failed at logging in again *sigh* I apologize for that.

Looking at my sheet- I have 1,782 GP left. When the opportunity arises, I would like to purchase an adventuring license.

I'm basically approaching the main gate cautiously as I'm not sure what cuty this is or what state it's in. You know, with the big pyre and all : )
Yeah, that's true. :twisted:

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:02 pm
by ewancummins
Seems both Van and Tarlyn are still active! Thought y'all had signed off. I'll hold on with my posts until your PCs have a chance to talk with each other.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:05 pm
by VAN
Ok, so I'll edit mine too...

lol what a confusion!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:23 pm
by steveflam
Yeah! It sure is active! ewan you'll be hard pressed to find me inactive I'm always around :P

But you already know that!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:45 pm
by Archedius
Ewan, I'm going to assume I'm told what the laws of Cormyr are by the Purple Dragons.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:26 pm
by VAN
Inovidil wants indeed to join the militia. She wants to help and being in militia is a way to keep her crossbow with her :)

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:57 pm
by ewancummins
VAN wrote:Inovidil wants indeed to join the militia. She wants to help and being in militia is a way to keep her crossbow with her :)

True, true.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:01 pm
by steveflam
So uh Archedius and Rardi are plotting to take over the world fyi 0_o!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:38 pm
by ewancummins
Archedius wrote:Ewan, I'm going to assume I'm told what the laws of Cormyr are by the Purple Dragons.
Yeah, and being a port of entry, Marsember has signs posted in several prominent places.

The local lords can and do enforce some laws more strictly than others, naturally. There are also local and civic laws that may vary from one city to the next.

I am assuming that any PCs who have been travelling in Cormyr for very long have already had a chance to convert coinage. If not, you'll easily be able to do so In Marsemebr for a nominal fee. As a port city, foreign coins are used more often here.

NOTE- Anyone capable of casting powerful arcane magics must register with the agents of the corwn. A wizard must provide a copy of his wizard's mark, so that the authorities can place it on file. This law applies to foriegn mages and Cormyreans alike. Powerful= 5th level or higher, in game terms. In RP terms, mages are tested/interviewed and those found to be 'powerful' are required to register.

We may assume that Ino and Shana have already undergone this process, during the time they were under Sergei's patronage.

If you'd prefer to remain unresgistered, let me know. Just remember that anyone slinging fireballs or other powerful spells who isn't registered may end up attracting the attention of the Cormyrean War Wizards, and they don't look kindly on 'renegade mages.' Of course, it isn't as if PCs are wearing signs displaying their skill at magic, so a renegade can escape notice for a long time, if he's discrete and lucky.

One other bit of law you'd probably know- groups of more than five armed men may not gather in public- expect for taverns and markets, anywhere in Cormyr without a charter/being nobles/militia/etc. This is to prevent mercenaries and bandits from causing problems and also to discourage lynch mobs and things of that sort.

Many Cormyrean pubs require patrons to check all weapons, including knives, at the door. That isn't necessarily a law, but it is often the custom.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:58 pm
by steveflam
What about clerics or priests?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:16 pm
by ewancummins
tarlyn wrote:What about clerics or priests?
No, divine casters do not need to register with anybody, they are just expected to follow the laws and not disturb the King's Peace. Of course, clerics openly displaying symbols of evil gods will be watched carefully by both the law and the citizenry.

One notable exception to the general hostility toward evil cults is the cult of Malar, which is accepted by most Cormyreans.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:18 pm
by steveflam
Malar the beast god? Oh lordy the possibilities to that joke!!!!!!!!!

Hahaahaah! I'm terrible.