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Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:49 pm
by Trevorfrost
I wouldn't say he actuallly thought the Westcotes were important more than annoyed that S. had detailed every other family but failed to even mention the Westcotes. If what was said earlier is true and the Westcotes were pretty much decimated down to one person even that information would have been of interest to Azalin. After all S. had covered all the other families so he had every reason to expect even a small blurb on the Westcotes, that doesn't neccesarily mean the Westcotes were all that important.(Of course I guess that's possible as well.) It was more of an angry commentary on what looks to be an error on Our Hero's part. (Azalin is certainly a perfectionist he wants all the details cause missing details means something may sneak up and surprise him.) He certainly has come to expect a lot from her as many of us have.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:45 pm
by Jester of the FoS
Saddly, from what I have heard, the Westcotes were not in GazIII soley because the chapter was long enough already and something had to be cut.
All the other families, save one or two, were new and never before detailed so they couldn't be cut. The Westcotes had an adventure centered around them so there was already plenty of information available.

I'm definetly interested in this book because for the first time on 3E Ravenloft, we're getting something NEW!
Not an update, not a rehash of an old expansion or other product that soley serves to show the old with the new rules.
Champions of Darkness and Heroes of Light almost did this but were really just exploring the same ground as other books.
Legacies of Blood fits the setting and has ties to the past but there is so little that has been touched on the subject...

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:10 pm
by Tobias Blackburn
The Jester wrote: I'm definetly interested in this book because for the first time on 3E Ravenloft, we're getting something NEW!
Not an update, not a rehash of an old expansion or other product that soley serves to show the old with the new rules.
The Gazetters did give that on a lot of points. I mean, what did we know about domains like Hazlan, Verbrek, Borca and Valachan. Sure we had maybe a slight adventure here, a name or two there, but nothing near the amount of detail the Gaz's gave us.

Also, the noble families were done back in the a much earlier edition (not sure which one). Probably not to this extent though.

I hope that Scholar of Decay is included in the Renier section. I mean, they can't do that family without stating Louise, and I want to see what her sister would have done to punish her for a spectacularly failed assassination attempt.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:22 pm
by Trevorfrost
The Jester wrote:Saddly, from what I have heard, the Westcotes were not in GazIII soley because the chapter was long enough already and something had to be cut.
All the other families, save one or two, were new and never before detailed so they couldn't be cut. The Westcotes had an adventure centered around them so there was already plenty of information available.
Yeah I kinda figured it was something like that, I was more talking the IC reasons for it though. Its certainly an uncharacteristic flub on Our Hero's part.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:19 am
by tec-goblin
Wiccy of the Fraternity wrote:The Renier family would be very useful for me in regard to a campaign I have planned for a future, that requires vast amounts of background of the family to construct.
For me too! The in-Renier politics have already affected my campaign.

I love hooks, plots and (here many will disagree): layers upon layers of metaplot! (particularly if it is customizable in the "dread possibility" way)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:56 am
by Steve Miller
I'd hardly say that the noble families "had been done" in an earlier edition.

The very first Ravenloft boxed set contained a bunch of family trees--and I referred to those when writing my chapters--but virtually nothing had been fleshed out about them. I think prior to some of the Gazetteer stuff, the Weathermay Twins were the only use that had been made of those family trees until "Legacy of Blood."

Well, I'll be holding my breath until later this week, when the early responses start showing up regarding the book. Like I've said, I'm very happy with the work I did for it, and I hope others are too.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:07 am
by Tobias Blackburn
Steve Miller wrote:I'd hardly say that the noble families "had been done" in an earlier edition.

The very first Ravenloft boxed set contained a bunch of family trees--and I referred to those when writing my chapters--but virtually nothing had been fleshed out about them. I think prior to some of the Gazetteer stuff, the Weathermay Twins were the only use that had been made of those family trees until "Legacy of Blood."
Sorry, I should have clarified that statement. I realized that there were family trees and that they didn't go into any detail (a major problem I had with a lot of the earlier edition, especially with domains and darklords). I'm looking forward to Legacy of Blood because it fleshes out this group (and their black sheeps I expect), something that should have been done long ago.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:34 am
by Rotipher of the FoS
Heh. It's not going to happen (too picky a detail), but it'd be amusing if the LoB book(s) eventually cleared up the question of how so many of the people from the old family trees -- including those who, it seems, are 100% "false history" -- wound up buried in the crypts under Castle Ravenloft! Does the retroactive compiling of history for newly-created domains also affect *established* domains? Did Strahd or his ancestors actually *know* these people, or are the DPs playing silly buggers again, by writing them into the false histories and/or revising *Barovian* history along with that of the new domains...?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:21 pm
by Mangrum
As a note, prior to the Gazetteers I made use of the Bloodlines in both Children of the Night: The Created and Carnival.

About the Timothys: I pushed for their inclusion, but no dice.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:26 pm
by Gemathustra
Mangrum wrote:As a note, prior to the Gazetteers I made use of the Bloodlines in both Children of the Night: The Created and Carnival.

About the Timothys: I pushed for their inclusion, but no dice.
*urge to kill... rising*
Well, then, is Eowin Timothy still alive at the time of the writing of the Mordent Doomsday Gazetteer?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:31 pm
by Mangrum
Gemathustra wrote:Well, then, is Eowin Timothy still alive at the time of the writing of the Mordent Doomsday Gazetteer?
He isn't mentioned. I'd intended to include him, way back when I was hoping to write it. My intention was to depict him as ancient and decrepit, his final breath coming at any moment, no longer a physical threat but as mentally vicious as ever. You'd get the idea why his offspring all got wanderlust, to put it one way.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:32 pm
by Gemathustra
Mangrum wrote:My intention was to depict him as ancient and decrepit, his final breath coming at any moment, no longer a physical threat but as mentally vicious as ever. You'd get the idea why his offspring all got wanderlust, to put it one way.
Yes, I understand perfectly.


Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:40 pm
by Yaoi Huntress Earth
Charney wrote:Azalin was still clear about the Westcote having some importance though. Still, I'm just speculating for I never read the Howls in the Night Module
According to the 3rd ed., the Westcote curse has been lift but the thing is how. You see there were four different endings in the game where the alignment of Westcote and/or this betroved were differnet (either one of them was evil, both were, or both were innocent victims). I'm guessing that they're leaving it up to the DM. It's a good adventure so I sudjest trying to find a copy.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:20 pm
by Tobias Blackburn
Spotted a copy (Hairy Tarantula in Toronto, $29.00 for any in the area), but exams (and a fiance looking for Christmas gifts) dictate I not buy it.

Here's what I saw.

Families: Boritsis, d'Honaires, Dilisnyas, Drakovs, Godefroys, Hiregaards, Mordenheims, Reniers, Von Zarovichs.

The Godefroy and Mordenheim families seem to be well explained, considering Victor only had two kids (neither his own) and Wilfred killed his only child.

15 NPCs fully stated, 14 PrC's, a LARGE number of feats, a bunch of magic items and a few spells.

As for the NPC's... Louise Renier is there (of course), and a new facet introduced into Dominic's curse. Also, for those that have questioned what happened to a certain young girl, the answer is given and her fate is leading in worse directions than any have guessed.

Also, each chapter begins with a small in-character writing. The very first, the Boritsis, has Gennifer writing to Laurie to report on a very nasty encounter due to getting on the bad side of Lady Ivana.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:09 pm
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
I want this book even more now, especially after seeing that Louise is fully detailed :)