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Suggestion for a folder for resources etc.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:47 pm
by alhoon
Every once a while, there is a thread or post that contains useful resources that could be used by many people.
So I suggest these resources are picked by our esteemed brothers of the fraternity and put in a special place, safe from rotting that comes from prolonged exposure.
That way, anything you consider that will be useful in the future could be easily found in the library instead of us looking years back in threads.

For example, there's a thread about NPCs 3rd Ed (mostly) stats now in the forums. Some years ago, I've made a similar thread. Now, in a few months, that thread will be buried in the site's past. So if in a year someone wants ideas for generic 3rd ed NPCs... he'll have to make ANOTHER thread.
Wouldn't it be better if that thread's content (the NPCs) were compiled in a txt or PDF and saved in the library?

The above is just one example. There are many more.

Re: Suggestion for a folder for resources etc.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:31 pm
by Joël of the FoS
My first thought her is that the search feature of the board is your friend. Because the main board has enough place to keep threads for a long time (now the oldest thread is Sept 2004, 6 years back).

And I do collect the best material and add them to the site, once in a while. These are usually added to the Vault. It takes about 6 months for the thread to be mature enough to be pruned, and then sent to the Vault's pages.

If you see a thread worthy of this treatment, let me know!


Re: Suggestion for a folder for resources etc.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:15 am
by alhoon

The 3e NPC thread seems good enough. Let it grow and mature, and then get the NPCs for the vault. :)