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A Lampilighter's ride

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:46 pm
by maraudar
It was twilight as much as it could be in the infernal rain as I rode south toward Waterford. The rain was beating hard down on my shoulders as I rode slowly down the road. I was dog tired. Hopefully a warm bed, some drink and hot food were in my future. Chuckling to myself, I also hoped for the pretty lass at the inn I was heading to would help warm my bed as well.
My horse suddenly shied to the left snorting in fear. I drew my saber and quickly scanned the surrounding area. Trees about ten yards away from the road, to many areas for someone to hide and ambush a traveler. “You may as well come out. I know your there.” I waited watching the trees for any movement and stroking the horse’s neck to keep it calm. Its eyes continued to roll in fear and I was getting nervous that whatever was out there may not be human and possibly more than I could handle. That made me smile. Something I can’t handle? I was a Lamplighter of Mordent, ghosts and ghouls and everything else that went bump in the night was our stock in trade.

I took a firmer grip on my saber and drew my new pistol, careful to keep it under my cloak so the powder would stay dry. Again I called out, “Come on my friend, it is wet and late and I am not really in the mood for games.” I saw the darkness in the trees begin moving, not just one but a group. Damn, I thought this is going to get messy.
Out of the dark trees they came, shuffling, shambling, and dragging themselves towards me. The damn horse reared and whinnied in fear again. They didn’t make any sound as they approached me but over the wet air a stench came to my nose. It was one I knew well. Rot, the smell of flesh that was rotting and decaying. Zombies, not a common sight in Mordent, some foul wizard from Barovia or that island Sourange he had heard about must be nearby controlling them.

Not that is going to do me a bit of good I thought as the horse reared again and I slipped from the saddle. I watched in utter disgust as it tore off away from me and the zombies. My other weapons, bow and arrows and the new rifle were gone so was the ectra powder and shot for my pistol. “Hope you break a damn leg and get eaten by wolves” I muttered.

I turned to face the walking dead, a smile coming to my face as I raised the pistol and fired. One of them dropped and I advanced quickly tossing the pistol away from me. “Well” I said, “Time for a fun dance it is.”