The Ravenloft Catalogue: Search Results


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Your search returned 8 matches.

Show me records related to "Borca"

Ravenloft Third Edition
Domains of Dread

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp7,13,15
Ravenloft Third Edition - pp14,15,17,114-116
Domains of Dread - pp55-56
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens - pp10-11
Realm of Terror - p66
The Evil Eye - p58

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp8-9
Ravenloft Third Edition - inside cover
Domains of Dread - p42
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting - poster map
Realm of Terror - poster map
Servants of Darkness - poster map

Ruled by Ivana Boritsi and Ivan Dilisnya (NPCs)
ID:36 Record created on 03-May-2000, last modified 04-Nov-2002

Ivana Boritsi
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The Black Widow

Secrets of the Dread Realms
Domains of Dread

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp7,13-16
Ravenloft Third Edition - p115
Domains of Dread - pp56-57
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens - pp10-11,56-58
Realm of Terror - p121,reference card
The Forgotten Children - pp32,35 Download Now!

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp13-14
Domains of Dread - pp56-57
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens - pp56-58

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p15
Domains of Dread - p57
Realm of Terror - reference card

Co-darklord of Borca (Domain)
Poisoned her mother Camille Dilisnya (NPC)
Cousin to Ivan Dilisnya (NPC)
ID:37 Record created on 03-May-2000, last modified 04-May-2009

Degravo / Dilisnya Estate
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Realm of Terror

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p16
Realm of Terror - reference card

Realm of Terror - reference card
Servants of Darkness - poster map

Realm of Terror - reference card

Lair of Ivan Dilisnya (NPC)
Located originally in Dorvinia, now in Borca (Domains)
ID:226 Record created on 27-Jun-2000, last modified 04-Nov-2002

Kristina Dilisnya
Show me records related to "Kristina Dilisnya"

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p15
Domains of Dread - p58
Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens - p60
Realm of Terror - p94,p123

Daughter of Stefania Septow and Boris Dilisnya (NPCs)
Poisoned by her brother Ivan Dilisnya (NPC)
ID:467 Record created on 16-Jul-2000, last modified 21-Mar-2002

Show me records related to "Dorvinia"

Realm of Terror

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p15
Ravenloft Third Edition - pp15,17
Realm of Terror - pp68-69
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens - p10

Realm of Terror - poster map

Originally ruled by Ivan Dilisnya (NPC)
Absorbed by Borca during the Grand Conjunction (Domain & Event)
ID:988 Record created on 19-Aug-2000, last modified 30-May-2002

Boris Dilisnya
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Realm of Terror

Domains of Dread - p58
Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens - p60
Realm of Terror - p94,p123,reference card

Realm of Terror - reference card

Husband of Stefania Septow Dilisnya (NPC)
Father of Ivan Dilisnya (NPC)
ID:1015 Record created on 21-Aug-2000, last modified 31-Mar-2001

Stefania Septow Dilisnya
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Realm of Terror

Domains of Dread - p58
Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens - p60
Realm of Terror - p123,reference card

Realm of Terror - reference card

Wife of Boris Dilisnya (NPC)
Mother of Ivan Dilisnya (NPC)
ID:1016 Record created on 21-Aug-2000, last modified 31-Mar-2001

Borrowed Time
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Secrets of the Dread Realms

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p16

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p16

A poison developed by Ivan Dilisnya (NPC)
ID:2349 Record created on 21-Mar-2002, last modified 21-Mar-2002

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