The Ravenloft Catalogue: Search Results


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Your search returned 9 matches.

Theona Helsvar
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Children of the Night: Ghosts

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p36-40

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p36

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p36

Ghost (Monster)
Resides in Kellee, Tepest (City, Domain)
Possessed Monica Ferrier (NPC)
ID:1880 Record created on 01-Sep-2001, last modified 20-Oct-2001

Monica Ferrier
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Children of the Night: Ghosts

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p36-40

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p38

Ghost (Monster)
Daughter of Gerald Ferrier (NPC)
Resides in Kellee, Tepest (City, Domain)
Possessed by Theona Helsvar (NPC)
ID:1881 Record created on 01-Sep-2001, last modified 20-Oct-2001

Hawk's Inn / Hawk's Haven Inn
Show me records related to "Hawk's Inn / Hawk's Haven Inn"

Children of the Night: Ghosts
Servants of Darkness

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p37
Servants of Darkness - p18

Only Inn in Kellee, Tepest (City, Domain)
Owned by Gerald Ferrier (NPC)
ID:1882 Record created on 01-Sep-2001, last modified 04-Nov-2002

Gerald Ferrier
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Children of the Night: Ghosts
Servants of Darkness

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p37-40
Servants of Darkness - pp18-20

Mayor of Kellee, Tepest (City, Domain)
Born in Falkovnia (Domain)
Father of Monica Ferrier (NPC)
Owns the Hawk’s Inn (Location)
ID:1883 Record created on 01-Sep-2001, last modified 04-Nov-2002

Show me records related to "Bryonna"

Servants of Darkness

Servants of Darkness - pp3-4,7-16,19-20,36-38

Servants of Darkness - p61

Servants of Darkness - Cover

Born in Kellee (City)
Raised by Rima (NPC)
Lives in Viktal (City)
Former best friend of Lorelei (NPC)
Imprisoned by The Inquisitors (Society)
ID:2740 Record created on 04-Nov-2002, last modified 04-Nov-2002

Show me records related to "Leobe"

Servants of Darkness

Servants of Darkness - pp16,18-22

Servants of Darkness - p61

Servants of Darkness - p18

Woodsman from Kellee (City)
Brought Bryonna (NPC) to Viktal (City)
ID:2744 Record created on 04-Nov-2002, last modified 04-Nov-2002

Show me records related to "Marla"

Servants of Darkness

Servants of Darkness - pp12,19-20

Weaver who lives in Kellee (City)
ID:2745 Record created on 04-Nov-2002, last modified 04-Nov-2002

Show me records related to "Tala"

Servants of Darkness

Servants of Darkness - p18

Priestess in Kellee (City)
ID:2749 Record created on 04-Nov-2002, last modified 04-Nov-2002

Show me records related to "Xeleen"

Servants of Darkness

Servants of Darkness - p18

Militia leader in Kellee (City)
ID:2751 Record created on 04-Nov-2002, last modified 04-Nov-2002

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