The Ravenloft Catalogue: Search Results


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Your search returned 6 matches.

Dmitri Dnepov
Show me records related to "Dmitri Dnepov"

Dark of the Moon

Dark of the Moon - pp40-41,53

Dark of the Moon - p24,32,53

Resides in the village of Vorostokov (NPC & City)
Prominent member of the Boyarsky (Society)
ID:1840 Record created on 30-Aug-2001, last modified 20-Oct-2001

Show me records related to "Mastislav"

Dark of the Moon

Dark of the Moon - p40

Dark of the Moon - p40

Resident of the village of Vorostokov (City)
Son of Katerina and Nicolai(NPCs)
Associates with the Boyarsky (Society)
ID:1850 Record created on 31-Aug-2001, last modified 20-Oct-2001

Sturm and Marshka
Show me records related to "Sturm and Marshka"

Dark of the Moon

Dark of the Moon - pp45-46

Dark of the Moon - p46

Residents of the village of Vorostokov (City)
Sons of Oleg the Woodcutter(NPCs)
Members of the Boyarsky (Society)
ID:1852 Record created on 31-Aug-2001, last modified 20-Oct-2001

Vladislav the Trapper/Vladimir the Trapper
Show me records related to "Vladislav the Trapper/Vladimir the Trapper"

Dark of the Moon

Dark of the Moon - p42,53

Dark of the Moon - p53

Resident of the village of Vorostokov (City)
Brother of Olaf (NPC)
Member of the Boyarsky (Society)
ID:1854 Record created on 31-Aug-2001, last modified 31-Aug-2001

Pavel Cherensky
Show me records related to "Pavel Cherensky"

Dark of the Moon

Dark of the Moon - pp42-43,47

Dark of the Moon - p47

Runs the ale house in the village of Vorostokov (City)
Spy for the Boyarsky (Society)
ID:1859 Record created on 31-Aug-2001, last modified 31-Aug-2001

Yuri Tupolek
Show me records related to "Yuri Tupolek"

Dark of the Moon

Dark of the Moon - pp6-7,43

Former resident of the village of Vorostokov (City)
Husband of Pavlova and father of Tarak Tupolek (NPCs)
Killed by Gregor Zolnik during the formation of the Boyarsky (NPC & Society)
ID:1860 Record created on 31-Aug-2001, last modified 31-Aug-2001

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