Mordent - Maps

by Gomez

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This map of Mordent is based on the maps in Domains of Dread and Realm of Terror.
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Mordent map

Assumptions and Added Details

There is a very detailed map available for Mordentshire, the domain's largest settlement, in both Realm of Terror box and the Ravenloft II adventure module. Unfortunately there are little details about the rest of the domain.
One of the few known 'canon' sites is Wescote Manor (from Howls in the Night), which is located several miles northeast of Mordentshire.

Mordent seems to be based on the English countryside.
It is therefor somewhat odd that the language spoken is so like that of Dementlieu, which has a French/Italian rennaisance background (see Domains of Dread).
My assumption was that the original language of Mordentshire was largely replaced by that of Dementlieu in the last century, when the power of a few 'foreign' families, such as d'Honaire, Mousel and Scoville (married into the Weathermay family), grew. Even before that, there must have been some 'foreign' influence, as the Renier family (not related to the Renier family of Richemulot) built Gryphon Manor long before the domain entered Ravenloft.
Still, a lot of Mordent locals, especially in the villages, will have a rudimentory knowledge of the 'old' language. Most towns, places, and family names have kept their english names.
This gives Mordent a unique place in the demiplane. With the exception of isolated domains such as Staunton Bluffs and Zherisia, there are no other domains that have this english background.

Mordent is dotted with small villages, and a few of these are shown on our map. Waterford is mentioned by John Mangrum in his adventure 'The Man Who Lost His Mind'. Crawford is a village derived from the Dungeon adventure 'The Unkindness of Ravens', by Jason Kuhl. Glenwich is a take on the English Dunwich (a real village on a sandcliff that threatens to be swallowed by the sea). The last site also is the location of Preston Hill, which is featured in Childeren of the Night:Ghosts. We also supplied a few river names. The 'Volfen' is the river that originates in what was previously Arkendale, while the 'Newbury River' flows out of Richemulot.



References above are to the reviews page of the Secrets of the Kargatane Site


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