
by Gomez

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Avernus is the castle of Azalin-Rex, wizard king of Darkon. A most impressive building, it is a 15-story high fortress, consisting of two circular, merged towers. It is interesting to see that, unlike other large structures, the towers of Avernus do not taper to the top, but instead reduce in radius in several steps.
Avernus lies in the central west of Darkon. From the top one can look all the way to Il Aluk in the north, while the south looks out over the Forest of Shadows.

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Available for download is the CC2 source of the map : Avernus.zip, CC2-map (280 Kb)

Avernus map


Campaign settings :
Realm of Terror
Modules :
From the Shadows
Novels :
King of the Dead, Lord of the Necropolis

Assumptions and Added Details

Avernus is huge. The original map, included in the module From the Shadows, is one of the most impressive works I've seen.
Unforyunately, Avernus is also a hell to replicate.

The Castel is build out of several round towers, that merge into each other. It consists mainly of curves, something that is frustratingly hard to map. Proof of this can be find in the original map itself - there are points where the designers themselves loose track of the building, resulting in inconsistencies between floors. These inconsistencies have been dealt with in this version.
People who want to look for the differnces, can compare the levels I and J with the original map.

The numbers of this map are the same as those used in From the Shadows (downloable at the Secrets of the Kargatane site)

Castle Levels


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