Village of Barovia

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This map of the village of Barovia is based on the map in the module House of Strahd.

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Available for download is the CC2 source of the map :, CC2-map archive (66 Kb)

Village of Barovia Map The village of Barovia is secluded from the rest of our world by a mysterious and poisonous fog that surrounds the village. As a result, the village has never grown beyond five hundred inhabitants, despite the fact that it lies on a potentially important trade route.
The village is build of wooden, white-plastered houses, their eaves decorated with floral patterns and mosaics in red and yellow.

Despite the merry sight and beautiful landscape, the people here are gloomy, tight-lipped and very superspicious. They work under the yoke of Strahd von Zarovich, a tyrannic lord whose castle overlooks the village from a one-thousand feet high rock precipice west of the village.
Important places here are the Blood on the Vine tavern, the village church (which has been repeatedly burned down and rebuilt) and the mayor's house. There is only one shop, Bildrath's Mercantile, but the village has a tailor, carpenter, butcher, baker and a smith. Most people live by herding or farming.
Trivia: This map was drawn in the orientation of the original map. 'Up' in the old map was nominated to be 'North'. This is, however, not correct when compared to the domain map of Barovia. The Svalich road runs east-west, not North-South, and castle Ravenloft lies south-west from the village. So 'Up' in this map indicates 'West'.


The following list gives names and locations for people that may be encountered in the village of Barovia.
The indicated locations (A-F) are described in the module 'House of Strahd'. The NPCs mentioned there may differ from those below, as this list is set several years (or even decades) after the events in the module took place.

Name Description Location
Ismark Indrirovich Mayor Mayor's manor (D)
Donovan Berght Priest The Church (F)
Bray Martikova Innkeeper Blood on the Vine Tavern (B)
Arik Swilovich Brewer Blood on the Vine Tavern
Mikael Bildrath Shopkeeper Bildrath's Mercantile (A)
Joachim Sloykov Carpenter -
Rupert von Kelhp Butcher -
Vlad Rastolnikov Baker -
Nigel Brudek Blacksmith -
Aleksander Mirakovich Tailor -
Gertruda and Mary Vanesh Sewsters Townhouse (C)

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